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The Reason for Being

Every watch tells the time but only this watch truly tells a story.  That was an ad campaign I remember hearing years ago about a luxury brand and it stuck with me.  Other brands profess the value as a keepsake for their children and generations to come. And during the same time that the popularity of these long-standing brands gains momentum, there is a rise of non fungible tokens (NFTs) that have even found their way to the watch collectors space. Such tokens occupy greater value in a virtual world than the real world. 


Matter of Time wants to change this.  Every new collection will be a collaboration with an independent watchmaker or brand. Members can buy one watch (each watch is a unique time capsule number) with two stipulations: 1. The member will share and document special experiences on this site that they had with the watch through their life together and 2. Within two years, that watch will be given away.  Not sold, but given away to recognize somebody's good deed, effort or accomplishment.  Accompanying the gift will be the entire backstory of the watch and a requirement for the same two stipulations.  We imagine a world that 10 or 20 years down the line, people all over the world are receiving Matter of Time watches as gifts and can look back on a decade or more of experiences, owners and lives that are all now sharing one common thread... the watch that not only tells the time but tells an unimaginable story!


You never really own this watch, but you are an important custodian and part of the provenance.

Our Purpose

The watch community is filled with generous caring people who all want to make a difference. Matter of Time is the purpose-driven club that will help make that difference. 


50% of the proceeds from every collection will go to a charitable cause.  After the first collection, the voice of the members will nominate and ultimately decide on the recipients of the donations. We are not a non-profit because we don't want to set up such governance but we do see this as an opportunity to make a real difference in the world in the time we have here.


We plan to set up regional chapters of Matter of Time.  This will allow causes across the country and ultimately across the globe to benefit from the positive impact of this group.


We are planning to accept 40 initial members.  Every member will have the opportunity to invite one person to apply to the club to participate in future collections.  As the group grows, so too will the social opportunities and community impact opportunities that come from this organization.  


For more information on charitable giving and our structure, please read the article shown here

In the Box with the Founder's Collection
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2023 Matter of Time

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